Our pledge to support the hospitality industry
Our pledge to support the hospitality industry
We’re really proud to be partnering up with Healthy Hospo, a fantastic initiative set up to support the mental health and well-being of the hospitality industry in the UK.
Launched in 2017 by Tim Etherington-Judge, the not-for-profit organisation provides a wide range of services, including support, training and guidance on mental & physical health, workshops and seminars.
The hospitality industry is facing an uncertain future, meaning the services Healthy Hospo provide are more important than ever and donations will help fund crucial projects, live chats and 1-1 sessions.
Join Healthy Hospo live at 5pm GMT, Monday to Friday, on Facebook for their ‘Daily Chat’ event, where experts in the field of health and wellness and the hospitality industry come together to discuss a broad range of subjects, including sleep, nutrition, fostering creativity, managing anxiety and exercise. https://www.facebook.com/HealthyHospo/
Throughout the month of May, Warner’s Distillery will be donating £1 from every single order made through our website to Healthy Hospo to help support the fantastic work they do for the hospitality industry. #UnitedInSpirit